Transforming remote care through cutting-edge technology and real human connection.
At Quokka Care, we believe that remote care should feel as seamless as in-person care. Our mission is simple: to improve patient outcomes while reducing the burden on healthcare providers.
We’re not just building better tools—we’re shaping a smarter, simpler healthcare system where patients get the attention they need and providers work more efficiently than ever.
Innovation should make healthcare feel more personal, not less. Quokka Care blends cutting-edge technology with real human connections to keep patients engaged and providers informed.
With proven success in simplifying care delivery, Quokka Care brings technology and human touch together to create a future that expands the possibilities for patients and practices.
The quokka is often called the happiest animal on the planet. Known for its friendly nature and ever-present smile, the quokka has become a symbol of positivity, warmth, and connection.
Beyond its charm, the quokka is also adaptable and resilient. Thriving on a remote ecosystem off the coast of Australia, quokkas have evolved to live in isolated conditions while staying socially connected.
Just like the quokka, our model strives to help patients feel close and connected no matter where they may be. Quokka Care is approachable, reassuring, and designed to keep patients engaged and happy.
"Memphis was hit by a wind storm over the weekend which caused major power outages. The patient drove to a Starbucks to charge her phone so she could call and inform me of the outages. She wanted to make sure that I received her readings and if I didn't, she wanted to make sure that I knew she was okay. "I wanted to touch base with you and let you know what was going on so you wouldn't worry. I told my son that my friend is going to be calling if she doesn't see my blood pressure!"
"I just spoke with Lisa's patient on the phone. I told her that I was covering for Lisa and she said, "Is my friend on vacation? She did not get permission from me to take a vacation!" She also said that we do such a great job as a team taking care of her and that she is so grateful for our help. I told her that I would tell Lisa that she is in trouble!"
"One of my patients asked if we had a 'headquarters' that would accept mail/packages. She told me that she knitted baby blankets for my daughter and bought a Hot Wheels car for my son so that he wouldn't feel left out. She also wanted to send pictures of her new grandchild and of the paintings that she just completed."
"A patient had a low BP breach of 90s/50s, which was significantly lower that her average BPs. She told me that she felt like she was going to pass out. The patient lived alone and was worried she would fall and injure herself. I was able to get a hold of her neighbor, who was listed as her emergency contact, and she was able to check on the patient. Her BP returned to normal and she was no longer symptomatic. The patient was very grateful that I called at that time, and for her neighbor that took care of her for the rest of the afternoon."
"I just spoke with a patient's daughter on the phone. The patient lives in her daughter's basement. She yelled upstairs and said, "If the blood pressure lady calls, tell her that I know my BP is high... I took my meds... I feel fine.. no symptoms... I'll recheck it later." This made me laugh out loud. Not her first rodeo!"
"One patient was admitted into the hospital yesterday. She asked that one of the NP's notify me so that I wouldn't worry about her."
"I just completed a welcome call and after I told the patient about the program and my role, the patient stated this is the best program that he has heard of and was so happy that he was enrolled. Not only did he compliment me but the company and doctor as well. The patient also said in the near future he wants to start seeing commercials about our company and thinks a FB group will be awesome too so the patients can collaborate with each other. What a great job we are doing!!!"
Mark Dose led the launch and subsequent acquisition of Polaris AI, an AI driven healthcare staff management platform. Polaris AI was acquired by Aya Healthcare in July 2023. Prior to Polaris, he was CEO of Laminin Healthcare, providing consultative services for health systems, hospitals and physician groups across the country. Mark has over 30 years of experience in healthcare operations and has worked in senior executive leadership roles at Community Health Systems, Apogee Physicians, Cogent Healthcare and Crisp Regional Hospital. Mark holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Florida and earned an MBA at Albany State University. He also earned a Master of Arts degree in Religious Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Mark serves on the Board of Directors of two nonprofits: Echoes of Mercy, Kenya USA and Life and Money Matters.
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